
The Prosperous Entrepreneur

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SMART Goals are for Suckers

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Well Hello, Reader, settle in because in this "you asked, I answered" newsletter, I'm covering the topic we all love to hate and hate to love... Goals! Although the SMART framework for goals is simple and helpful when planning tactics, it's not the be all, end all. If you first, don't have strategy and alignment there are no tactics that are gonna work. Today I'm going to dive deeper into the stuff that really...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Well Hello, Reader, settle in because in this "you asked, I answered" newsletter, I'm covering the topic we all love to hate and hate to love... Goals! Although the SMART framework for goals is simple and helpful when planning tactics, it's not the be all, end all. If you first, don't have strategy and alignment there are no tactics that are gonna work. Today I'm going to dive deeper into the stuff that really...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Reader, let me take you back to 2013. There I was, lined up on the dock in the Toronto Harbor, waiting to jump in the water to start my race. This was my first big race, a qualifier for the amateur worlds. If I placed in the top 10, I could race as an amateur for Team Canada in 2014. So there I stood, nervous beyond measure. The stakes were high, and I sucked at swimming. There were no swim warm-ups... just...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners It's been far too long since your last vacation, but finally, you've made it. You sit down for your first breakfast, free from the grind and eager to plan the day. Turning to your significant other, you ask, "What do you feel like doing today?" The conversation begins to bloom with possibilities. But then, your phone buzzes. You try to ignore it, determined to stay present. Yet, as the discussion unfolds, another...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Hey there, I want to introduce you to my client, Devon. She is a young mother of two who is full of energy, genuine, warm, and wears her heart on her sleeve. Ever since she got out of school, she's been the owner-operator of a learning center that her mother ran before her. As anyone with a parent who runs a business knows, it's usually your first job working for your parents! I guess you can say.... this learning...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Hey Reader, I'm sure you have had this thought before: "Once I reach XX in revenue, I'm never doing [these tedious tasks] again! I’ll be doing [these awesome things] instead!" My list of awesome things includes Pilates, which is strange. I have never been to Pilates, but heck! It's in the dream! Whatever your dream is, much like my Pilates, it's probably a symbol of relaxation and having time to think your own...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Hello! I love meeting you here, let’s dive into something that’s been on my mind lately. As business owners, we’re all guilty of taking on tasks that drain our energy. You know the ones I’m talking about—the ones that leave you feeling more frustrated than fulfilled. For me, it’s putting my ideas onto a branded PDF! Ugh… even just writing about it drains some of my energy! But here’s the kicker: we keep doing...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Like all business owners, we build a business around our craft, our unique talent, and the things that we love and can do in our sleep. That's exactly what I built my business on. I have spent years as a business leader, improving profits, rallying my team around a common goal, and lowering costs. You name it, I've done it! So naturally, the thought of owning my own business really appealed to me. But in all my...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Reader, did you know that many Small Business Owners I work with don't see themselves as leaders; they simply focus on getting the job done. But this mindset creates a problem – it holds you back from reaching your full potential and inhibits your ability to inspire and empower others. The cycle begins innocently enough. You tell yourself, "I'm not a leader; I'm just running a business." But then you wonder, "What...

Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Reader,I think one of the hardest parts of being an entrepreneur is that you’re constantly trying to turn your vision into your reality. And when you don't get the results, achievements, or feedback you were expecting, self-doubt can live in your free! Am I right?! So what do you lean on to keep yourself going? You believe in and rely on your vision, your plan, your action, and your progress. Think...