Why building a business is like running a 10k

Michelle Nicole Martin

Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners

Reader,I think one of the hardest parts of being an entrepreneur is that you’re constantly trying to turn your vision into your reality.

And when you don't get the results, achievements, or feedback you were expecting, self-doubt can live in your head...rent free! Am I right?!

So what do you lean on to keep yourself going?

You believe in and rely on your vision, your plan, your action, and your progress.

Think about running a 10 km race. You don't just leap to the finish line. Instead, you progress step by step, kilometer by kilometer.

Imagine if the moment you started you thought "OMG, when will I get to the end?" And then imagine if you spent the race thinking "I’ve already passed 5km. I’ve already finished half the race.”

You still have to complete the 10km; however, each option presents a VERY different experience.

Which one would you prefer?

As an Ex-Triathlete, trust me option 2 is far better!

Too often, we stress ourselves by focusing on the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

You know you are focusing on the gap when you say things like

  • "Maybe I'm just not meant to manage people."
  • "I’m never going to grow your business."
  • "Where will I ever find the time to run my business?"

This is understandable but not helpful. And I would argue it's actually harmful.

When you are faced with a problem, of course, you need to be honest with yourself. I'm not suggesting turning to toxic positivity.

But without a doubt, I know that how we feel dictates the actions we take. Negative thoughts lead to negative actions and vice versa.

So how do you flip into positive “solutions thinking” instead of “catastrophic destined for tragedy thinking”?

Focus on your progress, which will lead to greater feelings of motivation, resilience, and overall well-being.

This phenomenon is called the "progress principle" and highlights the importance of acknowledging and valuing incremental progress in your journey.

Recognizing and celebrating your progress, no matter how small, boosts your confidence and sense of accomplishment, leading to a more positive outlook and increased perseverance in reaching your goals.

What are you celebrating this week?

Hit reply and tell me your wins, no matter how big or small they are!


Free Zone

How to stop under-earning in your business webinar coming soon.


The Prosperous Entrepreneur

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