SMART Goals are for Suckers

Michelle Nicole Martin

Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners

Well Hello, Reader, settle in because in this "you asked, I answered" newsletter, I'm covering the topic we all love to hate and hate to love...


Although the SMART framework for goals is simple and helpful when planning tactics, it's not the be all, end all. If you first, don't have strategy and alignment there are no tactics that are gonna work.

Today I'm going to dive deeper into the stuff that really matters.

​Here are two common questions I hear when it comes to setting and achieving goals.

How do I set attainable goals?

This is a 3-part answer


If you already have the math, it’s straightforward. For example, if you know that for every 10 sales calls, you convert 2, and you want to sell 10 products, then you know you need to make 50 calls. Simple math can make goal-setting much easier when you have those data points.But if you’re in a growth phase or trying something new, you may not have the math yet.


In this case, I recommend doing two things. First, interview people in your industry who have achieved similar goals. Don’t just follow them on social media—actually talk to them. Social media can make everything look easy and perfect, but real conversations will give you strategies that you can actually apply and adapt to your business.

I'm actually doing this myself today. I want to increase the amount of consulting clients I work with and I'm opening to learning how others grow beyond the circle they already have.


Use the experiment tactic. If you have never achieved the goal before, you fully understand how long or what it will take to achieve it. The best thing you can do for yourself to keep your momentum and sanity and actually embrace the fact that you don't know.

When you set goals based on assumptions, and when they don’t work out, you feel like shit. Worst yet, you take the outcomes or circumstances to mean you are not good enough, that it's not meant for you or you're not capable. So you give up.

Instead, approach your goals you have never achieved before like a scientist. Try things out, test theories and assumptions and conduct a post mortem:

What worked? What surprised you? What didn’t work? What did you learn?

You’ll need to run the experiment a few times to get reliable data. I like to say, whether the outcome is good or bad I use this framework - Once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, third time you are starting to see a trend. Give yourself the grace to test the waters before locking in your goals—this will make the process more effective and less stressful.

Unrealistic expectations set the stage for disappointment. It's not the goal that defeats you—it's your timeline.

I’m scared to set goals because I don’t achieve them.:

The number one thing I see people miss when setting goals is that they don’t plan for what can go wrong, or reflect on what scares them.

We often set goals based on a desire, put some tactics in our calendar, and when they don’t work out, we feel like failures. Naturally, setting a goal will trigger fear about whether you can achieve it.

So let’s talk about fear and how it shows up in three ways:

  1. Over-action – You chase the goal like crazy because you want it so badly, but end up running all over the place. In this case, understanding the real goal behind the goal is crucial. (Check out my last newsletter for an exercise on how to do this.)
  2. Inaction – You feel like it’s going to be too much effort, and you’re not sure if you can achieve it, so you think, “Why bother?” Here, it helps to evaluate what you’re not doing out of fear, and what that inaction is costing you.
  3. Half-hearted action – This is where I often fall. You take action, but it’s half-hearted because, deep down, you don’t fully believe you can achieve it. You’re doing something, but not 100% committed.

In all these cases, when fear of achieving the goal creeps in, here’s an exercise that can help:

  1. Write down what scares you. Naming your fears is powerful—“name it to tame it.” The more you keep them inside, the more power they have over you.
  2. What can you do to prevent these fears from happening? Or, if they do happen, what can you do about it? Writing this out shows you that most of these fears aren’t fatal, and that you’re more empowered than you think to handle them.
  3. If the worst-case scenario happens, how can you minimize or repair the damage? This step helps you realize that even if things go wrong, it’s not the end of the world. You have options and the power to recover.

I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.

Speaking of adjusting goals, my original goal was to answer 4-5 goal questions in one newsletter but... because I don't do surface level, regurgitation of Google like answers, I realized that would be one long ass write up.

So instead of one letter, you're going to get a Double Hitter, watch your inbox tomorrow for a Goals Part Deux, answering these questions.

  • How can I set goals that move my business forward? I'm really excited about this one?
  • How do I stay motivated when working towards long-term goals?

If you want me to answer another question, reply back and let me know!


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Michelle Nicole Martin Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners Well Hello, Reader, settle in because in this "you asked, I answered" newsletter, I'm covering the topic we all love to hate and hate to love... Goals! Although the SMART framework for goals is simple and helpful when planning tactics, it's not the be all, end all. If you first, don't have strategy and alignment there are no tactics that are gonna work. Today I'm going to dive deeper into the stuff that really...

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